R Baby Heroes

Jason Pinsky
R Baby Honors Inspiring and Dedicated Volunteers Who Are Helping Us Save Babies' Lives
When Jason first approached Andrew and I in 2011 to do a tennis event for R Baby, we were so touched and thankful but had no idea what to expect. Here was our younger cousin who had recently graduated from University of Pennsylvania in 2008, committing to getting the top tennis players around NYC to a competitive tournament with proceeds going to R Baby, a new charity for many.
That first tournament at Randall’s Island exceeded our expectations on so many levels. Jason was able to sell out spots quickly displaying his tennis network, but once we were there we realized three amazing things: 1) His network had some of the best players in the world, let alone the country, so the tournament was exciting to watch; 2)These same tennis folks were so incredibly generous as they went above and beyond the ticket price and participated in a Calcutta Auction, meaning they were betting on themselves or who they thought would win, which made for an exhilarating way to raise additional funds and, 3) Lastly, the players and people who came to watch were all so supportive of our mission that we were thrilled to have met each and every one.
Needless to say, since that first event, Jason has put on two even bigger events. The second event was at the US Open and the third at the Stadium Tennis Center in the Bronx. The most recent event raised 400% more than the first year, totaling all his events to almost a half of a million dollars! From players to sponsors to food and perks for the day, Jason has made the R Baby NY Tennis Tournament a spectacular day for all.
It goes beyond the funds and awareness that Jason has successfully helped us by chairing this event. It is his dedication and passion to the cause that is most impressive. And his ‘tennis serve’ of course. Many thanks to Jason Pinsky for all his support and energy to R Baby.
— Phyllis and Andrew Rabinowitz