R Baby Heroes

Dr. Ernest Leva
I can confidently say that Dr. Ernest Leva’s life’s mission is the same as R Baby’s. I have been fortunate to meet so many doctors that are passionate about pediatric emergency care but Dr. Leva takes passion to an entirely new level. He is 24/7 working on improving healthcare for children. From his day job of Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at The Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and to Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Rutger’s Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, to his position as District 4 Coun- selor at New Jersey American Academy of Pediatrics, to being a valuable R Baby Medical Board member, to many more leadership roles, he is truly committed to our vulnerable citizens.
His contributions to R Baby are significant as he is always thinking of us and helping out whenever we need it. He has been a leader and valued voice with our advocacy plans, our advertising campaign, our events, our parent education, as well as introducing us to families and leaders in the field. He is an endless source of support and passion.
Dr. Leva is one of those people that you feel lucky to have met in your life. Always there when you need him. Always thinking of your best interests. And always making the world a better place with the clear focus of the best healthcare for all our children. He is truly an inspiration to us all. R Baby is honored to honor him.
— Phyllis Rabinowitz, R Baby Co-Founder