Support PrepareERsForKids:  Donations to R Baby Foundation’s New Fund Will Go Directly to Help Prepare ERs for All Children

Pediatric Readiness-Why Now?

For years, experts have championed the importance of pediatric readiness in our nation’s ERs. A 2022 study found that children have a 30 percent lower mortality risk out to one year after receiving initial care at ERs with a high pediatric readiness score. Additionally, hospitals with high Emergency Department readiness scores demonstrate a 4-times lower rate of mortality for children with critical illness than those with lower readiness scores; thus, improving pediatric readiness improves outcomes for children and their families.

The data provides tangible proof that programs, such as those funded by R Baby for life-saving infant mannequin simulation training and education programs, save lives and shows a direct correlation between these types of interventions and the SURVIVAL of our children.

Over the last 18 years, R Baby Foundation has worked to improve pediatric emergency care for babies and children across the United States, directly enhancing the care of over 1 million children each year – and now, more than ever, the urgency for pediatric readiness in ERs is critical to saving young lives.

R Baby has launched a new fund specifically created to bring critically needed training, education and resources to help improve the pediatric readiness of ERs, including in your community.

The National Pediatric Readiness Project has provided a Checklist and Toolkit for all ER providers to help facilitate the delivery of high-quality emergency care to all children. 

These resources and recommendations are based on the American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians, and Emergency Nurses Association’s 2018 joint policy statement.

The specific recommendations provide a way for hospitals to check to see if their ER has the most critical components suggested, including policies and procedures, protocols, staffing, equipment, medications, supplies, and more.

All donations to R Baby’s PrepareERsForKids fund will go directly to these proven guidelines on how to make ERs ready for kids.


Learn more about the importance of pediatric readiness for all of our children below.

View pediatric readiness scores by state here.

For more information on pediatric readiness, visit The National Pediatric Readiness Project.

Read more about the importance of high pediatric readiness scores below:

Pediatric readiness key to children’s survival one year out from injury.

JAMA: Association of Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness With Mortality to 1 Year Among Injured Children Treated at Trauma Centers

Evaluation of Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness and Outcomes Among US Trauma Centers

Ames SG, Davis BS, Marin JR, L. Fink EL, Olson LM, Gausche-Hill M, Kahn JM. Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness and Mortality in Critically Ill Children. 

Pediatric Readiness in the Emergency Department and Its Association With Patient Outcomes in Critical Care: A Prospective Cohort Study