R Baby Heroes

Dr. Kate Remick

Co-Director of the National Pediatric Readiness Project

R Baby is proud to honor Dr. Kate Remick with the 2024 R Baby Hero Award.

Dr. Remick has devoted her life to improving pediatric care for all of our children. Her extensive background in pediatric emergency care, prehospital care, systems-based quality improvement methodology, data transformation platforms, evaluation/measurement, and survey design has helped her efforts to ensure emergency care systems are optimized to meet the needs of children.

Dr. Remick is Co-Director of the National Pediatric Readiness Project – a national quality improvement initiative of 25 national professional organizations, regulatory bodies, and federal entities focused on improving the national emergency care system for children.

The National Pediatric Readiness Quality Initiative is the first-of-its-kind national QI data platform that supports emergency department teams to optimize pediatric emergency care processes, drive the best possible outcomes, and serves as the first window into the state of emergency care for children in the US. Dr. Remick has led numerous large-scale national quality improvement collaboratives that have engaged hundreds of frontline healthcare providers, hospitals, and EMS agencies across the United States and abroad. Her work transects policy development, survey design, advocacy, health system transformation, and the creation of data visualization platforms and registries to ensure system-level readiness and, ultimately, high-quality emergency care for children.

“We are so grateful for Dr. Remick’s determined drive and initiatives for the necessary changes in pediatric emergency care that are proven to save lives.   Her collaborative research and guidelines are exactly what was needed for changemakers to see how feasible and cost–effective it would be to make every ER ready for every child.   We look forward to continuing to partner with Dr. Remick and watch her champion the standard of emergency care to what all children deserve.”

— Phyllis Rabinowitz