R Baby Heroes

Cynthia Artin
Honoring Inspiring and Dedicated Volunteers Helping Us Save Babies' Lives
We are proud to announce that Cynthia Artin, Managing Director of Auster Capital Partners and a passionate volunteer and advocate for the Foundation, is R Baby’s first recipient of the annual Hero award.
In the Fall of 2006, Cynthia Artin got a call from a good friend, Rich Fleischman, asking if she could help two of his friends. He explained that Andrew Rabinowitz and his wife Phyllis wanted to honor the tragic loss of their daughter, Rebecca, by developing a non-profit foundation. After speaking with Phyllis, Cynthia offered to do whatever she could to help create a platform to raise as much money as possible to save babies’ lives.
Phyllis’ story and mission registered with Cynthia on a personal level. Ten years earlier, her sister Laura lost her son, Daniel, within the first hour of his life. For Cynthia, this call to action was in honor of Daniel’s life.
Within days, Cynthia and Phyllis met, along with other founders of the foundation, to develop an approach, message, and brand that would bring the R Baby Foundation to life. Cynthia was instrumental in creating R Baby’s website, and pulling together a team of designers, programmers, researchers, networkers, and interns to help tell R Baby’s story to the world.
Over the past few years, Cynthia has supported a growing number of R Baby projects, helping organize fundraisers, coordinate video productions, and launch adjacent web domains including the R Baby MedExchange portal, RBABYFOUNDATION.ORG/MEDEXCHANGE, the R Baby Real Stories site RBABYREALSTORIES.ORG, and the upcoming POISE Network site. These efforts have facilitated communication between physicians sharing R Baby’s grant results and have provided a multi-media platform for parents to learn from each other’s experiences. Cynthia has also helped in R Baby’s effort to expand westward to Colorado to launch a new chapter and partner with The Children’s Hospital in Denver.
”She always is there for me when I need her, whether it is analyzing our grant progress or working on any ongoing project,” Phyllis claims. “She will personally devote time or find other resources for us. Though Cynthia is extremely passionate and an amazing high-level strategic thinker, she is also willing to help with any mundane task to get the job done as she shares in R Baby’s goal to keep costs at a minimum. She is the ultimate volunteer as she gives her heart to so many worthy organizations.”
But, Cynthia’s most valuable contribution has been the ever-growing team of talented individuals she has rallied behind R Baby’s vision for improving pediatric emergency training for all doctors handling babies. Despite her remarkable qualities – her unflagging diligence, broad expertise, and boundless energy – Cynthia believes passionately in community and interdependence. Her values parallel R Baby’s own commitment to connecting compassionate people across the country.
“Supporting the work of the R Baby team has been a great honor and continual joy,” Cynthia maintains. “I am so proud of Phyllis and Andrew and inspired by their determination to do everything they can to ensure babies everywhere have the emergency care they deserve. Rebecca, who would have turned four this year, is a shining light and the value of her life is enormous and long-lasting, and her parents response to her tragic passing an inspiration and story of courage and strength for us all.”
Cynthia’s tireless efforts to help the R Baby foundation thrive have been fueled by her conviction that every life is sacred, no matter how long it lasts. For her, R Baby is not just about saving babies lives but also about inspiring a world to ensure all lives are cherished. For her continued work as a contributor, role model, and leader, our deepest appreciation and thanks.