Our Story


Daughter of Phyllis and Andrew Rabinowitz; Sister of Sidney, Ryder and Hunter

Rebecca Ava Rabinowitz

Rebecca Ava Rabinowitz

Our daughter Rebecca was born four weeks early on July 13, 2006. We loved her from the moment of birth and savored every hour with her. She was released from the NICU five days later, supposedly as a healthy baby girl. The next day, Rebecca was severely congested with thick mucus, continuing her slow feedings, and had difficulty breathing. We took her to the pediatrician and the hospital emergency room during each of the following days we had her. Doctors diagnosed her symptoms as a common cold, and she was repeatedly sent home. Unfortunately, Rebecca passed away on the morning of July 21. We later found out that she had contracted an enteroviral infection that can be life-threatening in babies. If her symptoms had been treated, she might still be here today. As a result of this tragedy with Rebecca, we created the R Baby Foundation. This charity is dedicated to helping newborn babies, including those less than a month old suffering from viral infections and other infectious diseases, receive the highest quality of care and service through supporting education, research, training and life-saving equipment.

Rebecca Rabinowitz

We work with the top professionals in the medical community to provide them with the resources they need to improve the health of all babies and children. By reaching out to current and future parents and grandparents, and by establishing and growing this foundation, we hope other families will never:

  • have to ask why this happened;
  • feel the pain of losing a child and
  • experience the anger associated with their baby not getting his or her chance to live.

We also provide support to families who, like us, have lost an infant, and have joined with other like-minded organizations as part of a global network that provides not only healing — but also hope — by actively raising visibility and funds. We do all that we can to improve the chances that infants will be properly diagnosed, treated and saved through enhanced pediatric care services.


We are humbled by the outpouring of support we have received from so many people and organizations who have rallied to the cause of saving babies’ lives. Many thanks to everyone who contributes the time, resources, and love that helps R Baby’s mission succeed.

-Phyllis & Andrew Rabinowitz

A Letter to Rebecca


Dear Rebecca,

I still see your beautiful face when my eyes are closed and I think of you every day. When I think too hard or long, I burst out in sobs just like the day you left us. It happens more than people think. Eight and half years later, I feel like people think that we should have moved on completely, but it’s just not the case. Anyone who has ever lost someone so close probably understands.

We mourn far more than losing our baby girl; our deep sorrow also comes from the honest torture of not knowing who you, Rebecca, would have become and not spending any precious time with you beyond those nine days.

Your Dad and I know in our hearts that the outcome could have been different. Our focus has never been about blame, but only about improving a known medical issue. That is why R Baby was created in your honor.

The facts are well documented and scary: Pediatric healthcare is underfunded and emergency rooms vary greatly in their degree of preparedness to care for children. Rebecca, “R Baby,” you are helping other babies and children get the best available emergency healthcare, saving lives, getting better outcomes and making big differences in pediatric healthcare every year.

Although you are not here with us physically, I feel your angelic presence and hope you see how meaningful your life is. Dad and I love you so much.
