A Letter from R Baby Co-Founders Phyllis and Andrew Rabinowitz
Dear Friends,
We are so inspired by all the doctors and nurses that worked harder than ever this past year. They, along with other service providers, kept going when so many of us stayed in isolation luckily able to work virtually. We’re sure they had the same level of worry and fears, but they kept going on the frontlines to save as many lives as possible….while taking on Covid risk themselves.
Our R Baby hospital partners have been particularly resilient during these unprecedented times. They managed to move many of our pediatric emergency programs to virtual options including simulation training, online education and tele-medicine. Because of your previous support, the funding R Baby has provided for training and education has prepared our partners for just such an unanticipated and unprecedented crisis. You can read more about these amazing programs on our website.
In the last 18 months, almost 10% of nonprofits have had to shut their doors and an additional 1/3 are in jeopardy of closing, faced with program and funding reductions as well as reducing staff. Yet, with your support over the years, R Baby has been able to continue its life-saving work. You can read about a few of the many life-saving stories that have been possible because of our work in this newsletter.
We have not, however, been able to host our bi-annual major fundraising event this past, an event that provide the majority of our funding and have only been able to do smaller initiatives to cover annual expenses. To be able to continue our impactful work, we need your help!
Please consider R Baby for your year-end tax-deductible donation so that we can continue to provide critical training and education for those who work so hard to protect our families.
VIsit here to donate today!
We wish you and your families a happy and HEALTHY year ahead!
Thanks for your consideration,
Phyllis and Andrew Rabinowitz
In loving memory of Rebecca Ava Rabinowitz 7/13/06-7/21/06